Góry Stołowe - Błędne Skały

Errant Rocks - 9.5 km from San Remo

The set of rock blocks creating a picturesque maze, located on the edge of the table Skalniak – the second-highest peak of Stołowe Mountains, at an altitude of about 850 m, near the border state between Kudowa-Zdroj and Karłowo.

The area covers an area of approx. 21 hectares and is a nature reserve (part of the Stołowe Mountains National Park).

Rocks formed as an uplifted bottom of the former sea. At the bottom are sandstones, and as a result of weathering appeared narrow slots dissecting layer of rock blocks with a height of 5-6 meters.

Currently, among the various forms of rocks runs a tourist route. Some rocks have their own names, such as: Table Boulder, Ship, Hen’s Foot.

The historical name of the Erroneous Rocks are Wild Holes.

Oficial website of Stołowe Mountains National Park: www.pngs.com.pl

Website about Stołowe Mountains: www.stolowe.infopl.info